
Last Updated:


February 25, 2025

Oleria provides identity security and access management teams with visibility and intelligence into who has access to what, where they got that access, how they use it, and whether they should even have it. As part of that promise, we deeply integrate your Snowflake into the Oleria platform. Follow these steps to integrate Snowflake with your Oleria workspace.


  • To grant these permissions, you must have an ACCOUNT ADMIN role.

Note: Standard integrations are configured with read-only permissions.

Copy the Account Identifier 

  1. Log into your Snowflake instance and confirm your role is set to ACCOUNTADMIN. 
  2. Navigate to ACCOUNT ADMIN > Account > your account number.  Copy the account identifier. 

Integrate Snowflake with Oleria Workspace

  1. Log into your Oleria workspace, navigate to  Integrations, and select Snowflake. A side panel opens.  Provide following information and click continue
    • Account Identifier: Copy your instance  Account Identifier copied in step 2 above. It would be in the format: <org-name>.<account-name>
    • User Name: The default is oleria_connector_user.  You can change the name based on your choice, preferably a name that doesn’t exist. 
    • Role Name: The default is oleria_connector_role.  You can change the role name, preferably a name that doesn’t exist.
    • Warehouse Name: The default is oleria_connector_warehouse. You can change the warehouse name if you are willing to use an existing one.
  1. A side panel opens. A script is generated, copy the script.

Note: Do not close this window.

Execute the script in Snowflake

  1. Open the Snowflake console and navigate to SQL Worksheet. Create a new SQL worksheet.  Paste the script you copied in step 4 and click Run All.

Complete the authentication in the Oleria workspace

  1. Log into your Oleria workspace, check “Confirm that the script has been executed successfully, " and click Authenticate.

Navigate to Connected Integrations to find the newly integrated Snowflake instance.

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